Game Credits Out Of Control


Dear Games Credits, we need to have a talk. You are out of control and you seem to have lost the point of "credits".

As a perfect example, the PS4 God of War lists way too many people. They literally roll for 30 MINUTES!!

Imagine if the credits for Lord of the Rings listed not only Tolkien but also the person(s) that typeset the book. The person(s) that printed the book. The person(s) that managed the people that typeset the book. The person(s) that managed the people that printed the book. The person(s) who provided HR for the persons that printed and typeset the book. The president of the company that typeset and printed the book. The people that made the ink the book was printed with. The people that managed the people that make the ink the book was printed with. The assistants to the people that managed the people that made the ink the book was printed with. The people that delivered the ingredients to the ink factory to make the ink and on and on.

Sure, at some level you should be thankful for all of those people but that doens't mean they need to or should be listed in the credits.

Yes, who gets in the credits and who doesn't can be a contentious issue in the middle but it shouldn't be at the edges. The director of the game should get credit. The assistant to the salesperson in the foreign office should not. The caterer to the company should not get credit anymore than the cook at the burger place across the street should get credit no matter how much you love each of them. The art director should get credit. The team that makes the console's online store should not get credit. By that account every game on steam should be listing all members of Valve in their credits.

I don't know how to concretely define who should get credit. Off the top of my head credit should be given to those who materially contributed to the creation of the product. The keyword there is "creation". If you created parts of the content you could get credit. If you only indirectly supported people who created parts of the content you probably should not get credit with few exceptions.

Listing all the artists at an outsourcing company might make sense if all of those artists actually worked on the product. Listing the teams and managers that maintain the Playstation Network used by all games does not make sense anymore than listing the people that made the capaitors that sit on the electronics inside the machine or the guys that mixed the plastic for the power cables, or the captians that piloted the cargo ships that delivered the PS4s.

Serilousy, it's really a punch in the face to the actual God of War team that spent blood and tears working for 5-6 years on this game to then have their names diluted to the point of homeopathy with an extra 25 minutes of names. Just STOP IT. PLEASE!

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