How many man years are wasted with western naming convensions?


In most (all?) western languages there's the concept of UPPER case and lower case. I'm only guessing this is one reason why we have different styles of naming convensions. Commonly we have things like


We often bake these into coding standards. Google's, Mozilla's, Apple's, Microsoft's

Being a person that grew up with a native language that has the concept of UPPER/lower case some of this seems normal but several languages, off the top of my head (Japanese, Chinese, Korean, Arabic, Hindi) have no UPPER/lower case. If programming had been invented or made popular by people whose native language was one of those would we even have the concept of camelCase?

In any case, the fact that we have these styles often leads to extra work.

For Example, I'm implementing OpenGL which has constants like GL_MAX_TEXTURE_SIZE. In the code, our style guide uses mCamelCase for class members so we have something like this

struct Limits {
  unsigned mMaxTextureSize;

There's then code that is effectively

void glGetIntegerv(GLenum pname, GLint* data) {
  const Limits& limits = getCurrentContext()->getLimits();
  switch (pname) {
      *data = limits.mMaxTextureSize;

Notice all this busy work. Someone had to translate GL_MAX_TEXTURE_SIZE into mMaxTextureSize. We could have instead done this

struct Limits {

void glGetIntegerv(GLenum pname, GLint* data) {
  const Limits& limits = getCurrentContext()->getLimits();
  switch (pname) {
      *data = limits.GL_MAX_TEXTURE_SIZE;

In this second case, seaching for GL_MAX_TEXTURE_SIZE will find all references to the concept/limit we're interested in. In the previous case things are separated and we either have to search for each individually or we have write some more complex query. Further, we need to be aware of the coding style. Maybe in a different code base it's like this

struct Limits {
  unsigned max_texture_size;

void glGetIntegerv(GLenum pname, GLint* data) {
  const Limits& limits = getCurrentContext()->getLimits();
  switch (pname) {
      *data = limits.max_texture_size;

In fact I've worked in projects that are made from multiple parts where different parts have their own coding standards and yet more work is require to translate between the different choices.

The point is, time is spent translating to <-> from one form GL_MAX_TEXTURE_SIZE to another maxTextureSize.

You can automatic this process. Maybe you auto generate struct Limits above but you still ended up having to write code to do the translation from one form to another, you still have the search problem, and you still need to know which to reference.

It just had me wondering, how many man years of work would be saved if we didn't have this translation step which arguably only exists because of man made style guides, arguably influenced by the fact that western languages have the concept of letter case? I suspect, over all of the millions of programmers in the world, it's 100s or 1000s of man years of work per year possibly wasted just because of the effort of converting these forms.

ImHUI - first thoughts
What if good code colorization came before naming standards?